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Make Your Sports Research Paper Stand Out With 70 Exciting Topics

Make Your Sports Research Paper Stand Out With 70 Exciting Topics

Finding the right topic for preparing a research paper may seem like a wild goose chase. Not many students are aware of it, but even deciding on a topic requires them to follow a simple process. Going by that systematic approach will allow you to churn out a stellar topic for your research paper.

Now, for instance, you are instructed by your professor to pick a topic from the area of sports. At this point, the obvious question that many of you may pose is, “what if I’m not a sports enthusiast?” Well, we have also got that covered in this post, as we have curated a list of research paper topics on sports to inspire you.

A systematic approach to choosing a topic

Brainstorm relevant ideas

While pondering over the ideas you need to ensure your focus on the five ‘w’.

  • Why should you choose the topic?  What intrigues you about it? What’s your view on the issues connected to the topic?
  • Who is providing the information on this topic? Who is affected by the topic?
  • What are the relevant questions connected to the topic?  Can the topic be debated? Are there a number of issues and perspectives to consider?
  • Where is your topic important? At the international, national or local level?  Is there a specific area affected by the issues discussed in the topic?
  • When is/was your topic significant?  Is it a current situation or a historical phenomenon?  Would you want to compare your topic by time periods?

Background information matters

When you are trying to come up with an impactful topic, you have to emphasize on the background details of your preferred areas. The following are some pertinent ways to gather relevant information.

  • Check the current magazine, journal or newspaper articles on your topic. Ask the librarian of your university if they can assist you with browsing articles on your specific topic of interest.
  • Utilize the resources available on the internet. You will find many scholarly articles and online databases with authentic resources that you can refer to.

Make it manageable

Carrying out research on a topic can quite difficult if it is too narrow or too broad. One way you can narrow down a broad topic is to define a limit for the topic. Some common ways to limit a topic are as follows.

  • By geographical area
  • By culture
  • By time frame
  • By population group
  • By discipline

Prepare a List of Useful Keywords

Keep track of the words used in describing your topic.

So taking into account these pointers while choosing your topic will ensure that you do complete justice to it.

List of intriguing research paper topics on sports:

Preparing a research paper on a specific topic in the domain of sports can be as easy or difficult depending on the topics you choose. So, to save yourself from the whole process of churning out a great topic, you can take inspiration from the topics listed below.

  1. The implementation of AR/VR in various sports and their impact.
  2. How has the broadcasting of sporting events evolved with the age of the Internet? Elaborate with adequate evidence.
  3. Sports have the capacity to unite the countries that are hostile to each other. Justify your answer with appropriate evidence.
  4. Do activities like surfing, skateboarding, or dirt biking fall under the mainstream area of sports? Justify your stance with valid arguments.
  5. Should children be encouraged to opt for indoor or outdoor sport? Pick a stance and elucidate.
  6. Should educational institutions invest more in providing scholarships to emerging athletes? Elucidate with proper evidence.
  7. Is it ethical to engage animals in sporting events (Polo, bullfighting)? Provide your insights.
  8. Cricket is known as “the gentleman’s game”. But, considering the amount of sledding that goes on between players, is the adage still relevant?
  9. Gender stereotypes are still quite evident in the domain of sports. Elaborate with proper arguments.
  10. Do sports personalities today care more about building a brand? Elaborate your answer with proper evidence.
  11. Are sports organizations and authorities propelled by Political agenda?
  12. Should there be more emphasis on the inclusion of homosexual sportspeople within the mainstream form of sports?
  13. Indulging in some form of sport makes children learn the value of teamwork.
  14. Match-fixing has been a persistent issue in the world of cricket for a long time. Should there be more stringent measures to deal with this issue? Present your ideas with proper research.
  15. How do sports contribute to community building? Elaborate your answer with proper examples.
  16. Does playing a sport affect human cognitive skills and can it prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s? Present some relevant examples through proper research.
  17. Should athletes use sport as a medium to promote their political afflictions? Provide your ideas with sufficient examples.
  18. Does playing a sport makes students underperform in college? Conduct proper research and present your views based on it.
  19. Specially-abled athletes deserve better infrastructure and facilities from the government. Present a solid argument.
  20. Any major sporting events like the Olympics have a devastating impact on the countries that host them.
  21. Should bowling be included in the Olympics? Justify your answer with proper arguments.
  22. Should sports be treated as a form of entertainment? Or are there social implications attached to it?
  23. How do performance-enhancing drugs affect a sportsperson? Elucidate with proper evidence.
  24. Only academically sound people indulge in a sport like Chess. Elaborate on your answer with proper evidence.
  25. How technology has enhanced the field of sports in the last five years. Present your arguments based on the developments in two of the most popular sports in the world.
  26. Has sports journalism evolved for the better? Pick your stance and elaborate your argument.
  27. The most efficient coaches in the world are always under threat of losing their self-control
  28. Should play for the country be more important than playing for the league? Provide your ideas with valid arguments.
  29. Should sports personalities be treated with hostility even after proven not guilty?
  30. Playing a sport helps children to be more social. Provide pertinent arguments.
  31. Is a lack of safety measures still a concern in outdoor sports? Present your ideas with adequate research.
  32. Not all great sportsmen are fit to assume the role of coaches.
  33. The role of mental wellbeing is in becoming an accomplished sportsperson. Perform thorough research and present the arguments.
  34. Should there be an age restriction for sportsperson? State your ideas with valid evidence.
  35. Analyze the active role played by the sports physiotherapists in alleviating the injuries incurred on the field.
  36. Do sports people suffer from performance anxiety? Validate your arguments with appropriate examples.
  37. Can experienced gamers in the cyberspace be considered an equivalent to professional athletes?
  38. The impact of sports in the development of a person’s cognitive skills. Offer relevant evidence along with your answer.
  39. Both male and female sportspersons need psychological rehabilitation after an injury. Present your views with proper examples.
  40. Playing sports can boost the confidence of a student. State your ideas with adequate evidence.
  41. Is there a phenomenon called overtraining syndrome? How does it affect the performance of an athlete? Present your answer with proper examples.
  42. How can technology assist specially-abled athletes to perform better in sporting events?
  43. Does indulging in a sport boost an individual’s self-esteem? Elucidate with valid examples.
  44. Can sports be instrumental to drive major social change? Elaborate with pertinent arguments.
  45. Trauma caused by injuries can have many adverse outcomes for young sportspeople.
  46. Do sports propagate competitiveness? State your views based on adequate research.
  47. Can mental preparation and visualization improve performance before an important game? Justify your stance with valid research.
  48. Women-centric sports have started getting more coverage than male-centric sports.
  49. Elaborate on the prevalence of gender inequality with proper research.
  50. Discuss the impact of topical pain relievers on athletes. Offer your insights based on proper analysis.
  51. Being athletic and physically active increases intelligence. Present your views with proper evidence.
  52. Should disgraced sports persons be accepted in their respected field of sports after a suspension or a ban?
  53. The aggression shown by sports persons on the field should be contained. State your arguments with examples.
  54. Should Middle Eastern countries be allowed more active participation in different types of sports?
  55. The role of a sports nutritionist in maintaining the health of athletes. Present your detailed understanding based on thorough research.
  56. The adverse effect steroids have on sportspeople. Provide evidence to support your ideas.
  57. Can sportspeople be benefitted by adopting alternative medicine? Elucidate with evidence.
  58. Can hypnosis be used on athletes for better pain management?
  59. Has social media helped in generating more viewership for sporting events? Present your arguments with concrete evidence.
  60. Should parents of budding athletes focus more on providing education before encouraging a career in sports?
  61. Academic institutions should focus more on promoting less popular sports among the students.
  62. Renowned sports academies should bring in more talented underprivileged children to train them.
  63. Is it justified to associate nationalism with sports?
  64. Do sports have a contribution in building the character of children?
  65. Sports management has emerged as a great career opportunity for individuals.
  66. Is it justified for sports fans to turn aggressive when their favorite team loses? Present your ideas with valid evidence.
  67. Discuss how the players with conditions like Hypertension, Asthma or Diabetes cope with the strain of physical activity.
  68. Does the disparity in remuneration exist between men and women in sports?
  69. Analyze the process of rehabilitation of shoulder injuries among sportspeople.
  70. Should there be more strict laws regarding sports-related crimes?

In conclusion,

Preparing a research paper is often considered a rather overwhelming process. It may get trickier when you are asked to present the paper on the area of sports. However, with the help of this elaborate guide, the entire process will be a lot less tedious.

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