The Contributions Of Shaykh Yusuf Alasalatu To Islamic Learning In Ilorin



Learning plays an important and significant role in the acquisition of knowledge. In other words, one cannot acquire knowledge without learning. To this end Islam encourages learning and even makes it compulsory on Muslims; males and females. Islam also recognizes and places the learned men in high esteem.
Researches show that seeking of knowledge in Islam originated from the religion itself. This is true because the first revelation which came to the Prophet [S.A.W] argues in support of learning. This means that Islam as a religion is based upon knowledge for it is knowledge of the Oneness of God combined with faith and total commitment to Him that saves man.
Since the responsibility of disseminating knowledge cannot do itself, it has to be carried out and practiced by individuals, groups or even institutions. In this long essay an attempt is made to examine the concept of learning in Islam and how it has been carried out by a distinguished personality, who has made a landmark in impacting the knowledge of Islam to the people of a given geographical distribution, Ilorin.
The essay is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction while the second chapter is devoted to the biography of the personality in question. His birth, Educational background, marital life and his contemporaries are examined here.
Chapter Three reveals his contribution to Islamic learning. Here, his activities in the establishment of Markaz Nuru Shuadai, his activities in educating women in the Islamic way, his public lectures and his prominent student are examined. Chapter Four concludes the study and make some recommendations.

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