Opinion Mining For Hotel Rating Through Reviews

  • : Ms Word Format
  • : 78 Pages
  • : ₦3000
  • : 1-5 Chapters
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Users share their view about product, hotel, news and topic on web in the form of reviews, blogs, comments etc. Many users read review information given on web to take decisions such as buying products, watching movie, going to restaurant etc. Reviews contain user’s opinion about product, event or topic.

It is difficult for web users to read and understand contents from large number of reviews. Important and useful information can be extracted from reviews through opinion mining and summarization process. In this project, there will be a web application where user will provide review about hotels. This review will be in sentence form.

System will extract certain keywords from the sentence and will mine keywords in database and system will rate the hotels based on the reviews of various users. We presented machine learning and Sentiment Word Net based method for opinion mining from hotel reviews and sentence relevance score based method for opinion summarization of hotel reviews. .

The classified and summarized hotel review information helps web users to understand review contents easily in a short time. Opinion Mining for Hotel Review system that detects hidden sentiments in feedback of the customer and rates the feedback accordingly. The system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality.

Opinion mining for hotel reviews is a web application which gives review of the feedback that is posted by various users. The System takes review of various users, based on the opinion, system will specify whether the posted hotel is good, bad, or worst. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user review is ranked.

Once the user login to the system he views the hotels and gives review about the hotel. System will use database and will match the review with the keywords in database and will rank the review. System will rate the hotel based on the rank of review. The role of the admin is to post new hotel and add keywords in database. This application is useful for those who are going to visit a new place. This application is useful for those who travel often. Using this application User will get to know which hotel is best and suitable for them. User can decide which hotel to accommodate before they reach the place.

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