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The iTopic iUnder ireview iexamined ithe i“Examining ithe iChallenges iof iPromoting iGender iEquality

iin iNigeria: iA iCase iStudy iof iUnited iNations i(UN)”. iEvery ihuman iguaranteed iinalienable irights

iboth imen iand iwomen, ieither iby iintegral iand iindivisible ipart iof iuniversal ihuman irights. iThe ifull

iand iequal iparticipation iof iwomen iin ipolitical, icivil, ieconomic, isocial iand icultural ilife, iat ithe

inational, iregional iand iinternational ilevels, iDespite ithe iimpact iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting

igender iequality ithrough iconventions, itreaties, icharters iand iNigeria ias ia istate iparty iand isignatory

ito imany iinternational iinstruments ithat iprotect ithe ihuman irights, iequality iand idignity iof iits

icitizens,     iNigerian   iwomen’s    istruggle    iwith    igender    iinequality    iin    ithe     ipolitical    isphere,    isocio-

economic ispace iand igender ibased iviolence. i

The iStudy itherefore irevealed ithat ibased ion ithe igeneral iassessment iand ianalysis iin ithis istudy iof i

ithe iChallenges iof iPromoting iGender iEquality iin iNigeria idiscovered ithat ithe iresponses ito ibridge

ithe igap ibetween imen iand iwomen iin iNigeria iwere ieffort iin ifutility ibecause idespites ithe iimpacts iby

iboth iNational iand iInternational igovernment ito iaddressed ithe igender iequality, ithe igender idisparity

istill ipersist iat ihigher irates iin ithe icountry iin imany iareas isuch ias iPolitical iaffairs iof ithe istate,

iEconomic ispace iand isocial-cultural isegregation. iThe istudy isuggested ithat iUniversal iDeclaration

iof ihuman iRights itreats, iconventional, ias iwell ias iNational iconstitutional iprovisions ishould ibe

istrictly iadhering ito ipromoting igender iequality iand irespecting ithe iwomen iin ithe icountry iand itheir

icontribution    itoward    ithe     idevelopment    iof    ithe     isociety   ithrough     iseminars,    iconferences,    igroup

idiscussion, imedia ietc.



1.1    Background ito ithe iStudy

The isubject iof igender ihas ibecome ia iglobal iphenomenon iboth iwithin iand iinternational

isocieties. iMen iand iwomen iboth iare ientitled ito iinalienable irights iand ideserved ito ian iequal ifooting

ito ithe ifull iprotection iof itheir irights iand ifreedoms ias ihuman ibeings i(Okagbue, i1996). iHowever,

ithe     ievidence   ishows    ithat    iwomen   icategorically    ias    isocial    ibeing    iin    ialmost    ieverywhere    iwere

isubordinate ito imen, ialthough ithe idegrees iof itheir isubordination iwere ivaries. iThe isubordination iof

iwomen ipredates ithe idevelopment iof ithe icash ieconomy, ipeasant iagriculture, iand imore ideveloped

itrade iand iindustrial isystems. iWhile imany ianalyses iof ithe isubordination iof iwomen ifocus ion itheir

ieconomic iroles, itheir isubordination iis ialso ievident iat ithe ipolitical iand iespecially iat ithe iideological

ilevel,     iwhere    iit     iis    ireflected    iin     isymbol    isystems     ithat    iconnect     ifemale/male    iwith    ileft/right,

idirt/cleanliness, ievil/good iand iother isuch iworld ievolving idichotomies. iThus, iwomen’s irights

icannot ibe iexpected ito iemerge iwithout ichanges iin ithe ipolitical iand iideological ias iwell ias iin ithe

ieconomic isphere i(Howard, i1993).

The iDeclaration ion ithe iElimination iof iDiscrimination iagainst iWomen iwas iadopted iin

i1967. iHowever, ithe isubordinate istatus iof iwomen’s irights iwas iapparent iin ithe iform iof ithe

idocument. iThe iDeclaration iwas ia istatement iof iprinciple, iand idid inot ihave ithe iforce iof ia itreaty. iIn

ithe iearly i1970s, ihowever, ias ithe iawareness iof ithe iscale iof idiscrimination iagainst iwomen ibecame

iincreasingly iobvious, ithe iCommission ion ithe iStatus iof iWomen i(CSW) iargued ithat ia itreaty iwas

inecessary. iIn ithe iyear i1979, ithe iConvention ion ithe iElimination iof iAll iForms iof iDiscrimination

iagainst iWomen i(CEDAW) iwas iadopted i1979. iCEDAW ibegins iwith ia ireference iback ito ithe iCharter iof ithe iUnited iNations, ithus iconnecting ithe iidea iof ithe irights iof iwomen iwith ithe

ifundamental iideas iof idignity iand ihuman iworth ithat iunderlie ithat idocument. iThe iparagraph igoes

ion ito imake ireference ito ithe iUniversal iDeclaration iof iHuman iRights iand ithe icentral iprohibition iof

idiscrimination. iThe iprohibition ion idiscrimination iclearly iunderlies ithe iidea ithat imen iand iwomen

iare iequal iin iworth iand idignity i(Steiner, i1988; iBunch, i1990). i

However, idespite istate iparties isubscribing ito ithe istandards iset iout iin ithe iDeclaration, iand

iundertaking ithe iobligations icontained iin ithe iInternational iCovenants, i‘extensive idiscrimination

iagainst iwomen icontinues ito iexist’. iThis imeans ithat iwomen iare inot ienjoying ihuman irights, iand iare

inot iparticipating iin isociety ion iequal iterms ias imen.

Other ireference ipoints iare ispecified, iand ithus ithe ichampioning iof ithe irights iof iwomen iis

iinseparable ifrom ithe istruggle iagainst i‘apartheid, iall iforms iof iracism, iracial idiscrimination,

icolonialism, ineo-colonialism, iaggression, iforeign ioccupation iand idomination’. iThis iis iin iturn

ilinked ito ithe ivalorization iof istate isovereignty. iIn ithe icontext iof icolonialism, ithe ineed ito iprivilege

ithe ination istate iwas iimportant; iindeed, i‘social iprogress’ iis iexplicitly ilinked ito ithe iright ito iself-

determination iand iinternational irespect ifor ithe isovereignty iof ithose inew istates iemerging ifrom

icolonial idomination. i

From ithe ireligious ipoint iof iview, ithe iQuran istates ithat” iMen iare imaintainer iof iwomen ias

iAllah ihas imade isome iexcel iand iothers” i(Asgar,1992). iAs inoted iby iAsghar i(1992) iQuran i4:35

istates iwomen istatus ias ia iconcept iof ia iweaker isex ii“izzat”- iand ishe iought ito ibe iprotected iby ithe

iman iwho iis isuperior iSylvia i(2015). iTo iprove isubmissiveness, ithe iQuran, iexpect ithe iwoman ito

ilower iher igaze iand irestraining iher isexual ipassion, iexpect iif iher ihusband ipermits iMill i(1911). iAlso

ifrom iBiblical iscriptures iare ireplete iwith isemblances iof isubjugation iof iwomen ior iinfringement ion itheir irights. iFrom ithe ivery ifirst ibook iof ithe iBible iin ithe icreation, ithe iAlmighty iGod icreated ithe

iwoman ifrom ithe iribs iof ithe iman. iThe icreation iof ithe iman iwas imore icomplex iand iinvolving ithan

ithat iof ithe iwoman. iThe istatus iof iwomen ihas, ithrough ithe iages, ibeen ia icause iof igrave iconcern iin

ievery    iculture   iand    iin    ievery    iclime.   iIn    isome   iareas    iof   ithe    iglobe,    iit    ihas   ipassed    ithe    istage   iof

isympathetic iconcern iand ihas ientered ian iera iof iaggressive ifeminism i(Kalu, i1993). iCultural

iinstitutions, iparticularly ireligion, iwere ioften icited ifor itheir irole iin iviolence iagainst iwomen. iThe

ifrequency iwith iwhich iwomen, ithe ifamily, iand ithe ihome iare iseen ito ioverlap iwith iculture iindeed ito

ibe ithe imain ivessels ifor ithe imaintenance iand icontinuation iof icultural iand ireligious itraditions iis

istriking i(Fall, i2003). iNow, iwe ibelieve ithat ithe iearlier iworld iorder itook ia icue ifrom ithe iscriptures

iand ithe icombination iof iculture iand itradition ito iperpetuate ithe isubordination iof iwomen ibefore ithe

iefforts iby ithe iinternational icommunity ito ipromote iequality ibetween idifferent igroups iin ithe

ienjoyment iof ihuman irights iand ithe iarticulation iof ithe inorm ithat ino iparticular igroup ishould ibe

iaccorded iless ifavorable itreatment ithan ithe iother.

1.2     Statement iof ithe iProblem

Gender iinequality iin iour isociety itoday, iis iamong ithe imost iprevalent iforms iof isocial

iinequality iwhich iexists iall iover ithe iworld, iwith idifferent ieffects iin idifferent iregions. iThese

idifferences iare iprimarily idue ito icultural ilegacies, ihistorical idevelopment, iand isociety. iThe iissue

iof igender iinequality ihas iplayed ia ivital irole iin ithe icultural ilife iof idifferent ispaces. iIt iis ideeply

irooted iin ipeoples’ iexperiences iand iinfluences ithe isocio-economic iand ipolitical idirection iof ithe

isociety. i

The istatus iof iwomen iin ithe isociety iis ian ioutcome iof ithe iinterpretation iof ireligious itext iand

ithe icultural iand ithe iinstitutional iset-up iof ireligious icommunities. iThe irole iof igender iinequality iis iobviously icomplex iand iit ivaries iacross itime iand ispace. iHowever, iit iis ipertinent ifor isocietal

idevelopment ithat igender iequality iand ithe iemancipation iof iwomen ishould ibe iconsidered ias

iimportant ifactors ifor ithe ieconomic, isocial iand idemocratic iprogress iof iNigerian iwomen.

Despite ithe iUniversal iDeclaration iof iHuman iRights ifor iall iof ithe iUnited iNations icharter

i(1948), ias iwell ithe iDeclaration ion ithe iElimination iof iDiscrimination iagainst iWomen iwas iadopted

iin i1967 iwere idocumented, igender iinequality istill iprevalent iall iover ithe iworld. iIn iNigeria

iparticularly,      iwhere      imen     itake      ilager     ipercentage     iof      isocio-economic      isphere,      iemployment

iopportunities iand ipolitical idirection iof ithe isociety. iThis iprocess ican ibe iinfluenced iby iinstitutional

inorms, ias iwell ias iculture iand itradition, iwhich iare idetermined ibased ion igender idifferences. i

These iare ithe iproblems iconfronting ithe iwomen iin iNigeria. iSome iof ithe iproblems ifor

iinstance; ilow ipresentation iin ielected ioffices isuch ias iNational iAssembly, ipatriarchy, ieven iin

ireligious ispaces, iwomen irestricted ito igo ito isome icertain iplaces ior idress ithe iway ithey iwant ietc. iThese iare ithe iproblems iposed iby ithe igender iinequality iand iUnited iNations i(UN) iis itrying ito

iaddress. iApparently, ithat ithe istatus iof ithe istudy iof ithe irole iby igender ialso ireflects ithe istatus iof

iwomen iin ithe isociety ias ia iwhole, iwhile iconsidering ithis ifact; ithis istudy iwill iexamine ithe

ichallenges iof iUnited iNation iin ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria. iIt iwill ix-ray ithe ichallenges

iconfronting iwomen’s irights iprotection, igender iinequality iin iNigeria. iIt iwill ialso igo ifurther ito

isuggest ithe iremedies ifor ithe isituation.

1.3     Research iAims

This iresearch iwill iexamine ithe ichallenges iof ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria iby

iUnited iNations i(UN); ithe iglobal itrend ion ithe ineed ito ipromote igrowth iand iequal irights ifor imen,

iwomen, iboys iand igirls ihas iled ito ithe ibone iof ithe icontention. iNigeria ito ithis ieffects ihas inot ireally ibrought ithe idesire ineeded ichange. iMost iwomen iand ichildren iin idifferent iparts ior iregions iin

iNigeria     iare     istill    iundergoing     ihuman    iright    iviolation.    iThese    iinclude    ideprivation    iof     iquality

ieducation, idecent itraining, ipoor ihealthcare, ifemale icircumcision, iunderage imarriage iand ilimited

iaccess ito iproductive iresources iand ipolitical ipower.

In ithe ilight iof ithis, ithis iresearch iwill iinvestigate ithe ichallenges iconfronting ithe ipromotion iof

igender iequality iin iNigeria, ithe iimpact iof iUnited iNations ias icase istudy.

1.4  i   Research iObjectives

The imain iobjective iof ithis iwork iis ito iexamine ithe iChallenges iof iUnited iNations i(UN) iin

ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria. iOther ispecific iobjectives iare ias ifollows;

  1. To iexamine ithe irole iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting iof igender iequality iin i
  2. To iidentify iand idiscuss ithe iproblems imilitating iagainst ithe isuccessful ipromotion iof igender

iequality iin iNigeria.

  • To icritically ianalyze ithe iUnited iNation iin iconjunction iwith iNigeria igovernment iresponse

itowards ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria.

1.5  i   Research iQuestions

This iresearch itherefore iseeks ito ianswer ithe ifollowing iquestions:

  1. What iare ithe iimpact iof ithe iUnited iNations iin ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria?
  2. What iare ithe ichallenges iconfronting ithe isuccess iof igender iequality iin iNigeria?
  • What iare ithe iUnited iNation iand iNigeria igovernment iresponse itowards ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria?

1.6  i   Research iPropositions

  1. That ithe iimpact iof ithe iUnited iNation ihas ithe ipositive ieffect iin ipromoting igender iequality iin i
  2. That ichallenges iencounter iin ipromoting igender iequality icontributed ito ithe iincreasingly

ipoor irespects ifor igender iequality iin iNigeria. i

  • That iUnited iNations iresponse iin iconnection iwith iNigeria igovernment ihas iinfluences ior ibe

iable icurbs ithe igender irights iviolation iin iNigeria.

1.7     Significance iof ithe iStudy

This istudy iseeks ito iexamine ithe ichallenges iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting igender

iequality iin iNigeria. iThe igender iissue ihas ibecome iphenomena iand ithese ichallenges iconfronting

ithe iequality iof igender ivaries ifrom idifferent iregions. iThis istudy iwill itrace ithe iroot icauses iof

igender ibased idisparities iin iNigeria iand iexamine ivarious ipolicies ithat ithe iUnited iNations i(UN) ias

iinternational iorganization ihas ibeen iput iin iplace iwhich ihas ibeen ibenefited iNigeria, iAlso ithe iefforts

iof ifederal iministry iof iwomen iaffairs iin iterm iof iimplementation ipolicies iin iregards ito ithe

iattainment iof ibalancing igender iequality ias iwell ias ito iinvestigate ithe igender iissues ias ithey iaffect

iwomen iin iboth ipublic iand iprivate isectors iof ithe icountry. iMore iso, ithis istudy iwill iencourage ithe

isensitization iand imobilization iof iwomen iin ia igreater idegree iin iparticipation iin ipolitics iand

idecisions imaking ithat iwill istand iand iaffect ithe irequired ichanges.

iAlso, ithis istudy iwill iseek ito ifind iout iwhether itheories ior iconceptual iclarifications icould ibe

iapplied ior irecommended ito ithe igovernment ito iimprove iits itactics iin iproffer isolution ito ithe

iproblem iof igender idifferences iin iNigeria.

Therefore, ithe ioutcome iof ithis istudy iwill iprovides iuseful iguide iand iinformation ito ia

isolution ito ithe ichallenges ifaced iby iUnited iNations iin ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria iand isuggests ithe iway iforward itoward ibalancing iand ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria iand iglobally.

Finally, ithe ioutcome iof ithis iresearch iwill ibe ia iguideline iand imay iadd ito isource iof iavailable

iliteratures ifor ifuture iresearcher iwho imay icarry iout iresearch ion ithe irelated itopic.

1.8     Research iMethodology

The iresearch imethodology iexplains iin idetails ihow ithe idata iare igathered, ianalyze iand

iinterpret. iTherefore, ithe irole iof iresearch imethodology icannot ibe ioverlook. iThe iobjectives iof ithis

istudy iwere ito iinvestigate ithe ichallenges iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting igender iequality iin

iNigeria. iIn iorder ifor ius ito iachieve ithe istated iobjectives iof ithis istudy, iinformation ifor ithe istudy

iwere iderived ifrom isecondary idata iwhile ithe idata icollected iwill ibe ianalyze ithrough icontent

ianalysis     iof    idocuments,     iarticles,    iacademic    ijournals,    ireports,    imagazines,    istatistical    ibulletin,

imonographs, ibooks iand irelated iliteratures ithat iare irelevant ito ithe istudy iof ipromoting igender

iequality. iThis iwas ilargely idue ito ithe ifact ithat idata iwere iobtained ifrom ilibraries, iarchival isources

iand ithe iinternet.

1.9     Theoretical iFramework

Charles iDarwin’s iTheory iof ithe iSuperiority iof iMen

The irecognition iof ithe isuperiority iof imen iwas ipart iof ithe iprominent ilate i19th icentury

iwritings iof iCharles iDarwin iwho ibased ihis itheory iof iwomen ias iintellectually iand iphysically

iinferior ito imen ion ithe itheory iof ievolution iand ithe isurvival iof ithe ifittest i(Jerry, i2000). iDarwin’s

iargument ion imen’s isuperiority iover iwomen iwas ibased ion inatural iselection iand ian iunderstanding

iof imen ias ibeing ithe iprotectors iand iproviders ifor iwomen isince ithey iwere imore iexperience iin iwar i(Darwin, i1888). iIn iDarwin’s itheory, ithe iinferiority iof iwomen iwas icompared ito ithat iof iweaker

ispecies ias imen iwere iseen ias iprotectors iof iwomen iand ichildren. iDarwin’s itheory, iespecially ithe

iideas iof inatural iand isexual iselection iis ione iof ithe ireasons iwomen’s iinferiority iand imen’s

isuperiority iin imental idevelopment iand ievolvement ihas ibeen ijustified i(Jerry, i2000).

As iexplained iby iDarwin, ievolution itheory iinvolves ithe ipossession iof iwomen iby istrong

imen ibecause imen iare ithe ikeepers iof imenageries i(captive ianimals). iBecause iof ithis itheory,

iDarwin iadvocated ifor imen’s ieducation iin ithe ilaws, icustoms iand itraditions iof itheir inations ias ia

iyouth ibecause ihe iviewed itheir ibrain ias iimpressive, iand ihaving ia ihigher istandard iof iexcellence,

iembodied iin ithe iskills imeant ifor ileadership i(Darwin, i1888). iDarwin iclaimed ithat iwomen’s

ismaller ibrains imade ithem ieternally iprimitive, iand ibiologically iand iintellectually iinferior ito imen. iWomen iare iconsidered ito ibe iless iselfish iand ihave itenderness ibecause iof itheir imaternal iinstincts. iWomen iare inot iseen ito ineed ieducation isince iit iis ibelieved ithat ieducation iis imeant ito iprepare ithe

iambitious iand ipower iintuited imen, iand isociety ishould iallow imen ito icompete iwith ione ianother,56

inot iwith iwomen iwho ihave ismall ibrains iand iinferior iintellect. iDarwin’s itheory ihas ibeen iused iby

ipeople, ilike iJoseph iLeConte, ia ileading ievolutionist iat ithe itime, ito ioppose iwomen’s isuffrage

ibecause ihe iconsidered iwomen iincapable iof irationally ihandling ipolitical ioffice iwhich irequired

iemotional idetachment iand iclear ilogic i(Lester, i1976).

1.10 Scope iand iLimitation iof ithe iStudy

This iresearch iwas idesigned ito iexamine ithe ichallenges iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting

igender iequality iin iNigeria.

Every iresearch ihas iin ione iway ior ithe iother isome ilimitations iand ithis iresearch isuffered ithe

isame ifate. iLimitations iof ithis istudy iinclude: ia) iLack iof iadequate ifund ito icarry iout ia idetail istudy. iA iresearch iof ithis inature irequires isufficient ifund ito ifacilitate ithe iattainment iof iits iaims iand

iobjectives, ibut isince ifunds iat ithe idisposal iof ithe iresearcher iare ilimited, ia idetail istudy icould inot ibe

icarried iout. i(b) iTime iis ianother imilitating ifactor. iA iresearch iof ithis inature irequires iadequate itime

iin iorder ito iallow ifor ia idetail iinvestigation. iOwning ito ithe ifact ithat ithe iresearcher iundertook ithis

istudy ialongside iother iacademic icommitment, isuch itime icould inot ibe icreated. iThe irefusal iof isome

iagencies ito igives iuseful iinformation ias ialso ia ichallenge.

1.11 iDefinition iof iTerms

For ithe ipurpose iof iproper iunderstanding, iit iis ipertinent ito iclarify isome ikey iconcepts.

Gender iEquality: iIt irefers ito ias ito ithe iequal irights, iresponsibilities iand iopportunities ifor imen,

iwomen, igirls iand iboys. iAccording ito iUNESCO i(2003), igender iequality imeans ithat iwomen iand

imen ihave iequal iconditions ifor irealizing itheir ifull ihuman irights iand ifor icontributing ito, iand

ibenefiting     ifrom,    ieconomic,    isocial,    icultural   iand     ipolitical    idevelopment.    iGender     iequality    iis

itherefore, ithe iequal ivaluing iby isociety iof ithe isimilarities iand ithe idifferences iof imen iand iwomen

iand ithe iroles ithey iplay i(UNESCO, i2003). i

Challenges: iThis iis ithe iproblems, icircumstances, idifficulties ithat iconfronting ithe isuccess iof ipromoting igender iequality.

International      iOrganization:     iThis     imeans     iformal      ior     iintergovernmental     iorganization    ithat

iresponsible ifor ithe iprotecting iand ipromoting igender iequality iin ithe iworld. iSuch ias iUnited iNations

i(UN). iAn iinternational iorganization imeans ian iinstitutional iagreement ibetween imembers iof ian

iinternational isystem iin iorder ito iachieve iobjectives iaccording ito isystematic iconditions, ireflecting

iattributes, iaspirations iand iconcerns iof iits imembers i(Hanrieder, i1996). i

1.12 iOutline iof iChapters

This iwork iis iorganized iinto ifive i(5). iChapter ione iis iIntroduction. iIt icontains ithe iStatement iof

iResearch iProblems, iObjectives iof iStudy, iSignificance iof ithe iStudy, iResearch iPropositions,

iResearch iMethodology, iScope iand iLimitation, iDefinition iof iTerms iand iOutline iof iChapters. iChapter iTwo icontains iliterature ireview/theoretical iframework. iChapter ithree icontains ihistorical

idevelopment iof iUnited iNations iand ithe iroles iin ipromoting igender iequality. iWhile iChapter iFour

ilooks iat iChallenges iof iUnited iNations iin ipromoting igender iequality iin iNigeria. iChapter iFive

idiscusses ithe isummary, iconclusion iand irecommendations.


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