Impact of Inadequate Geotechnical Surveys on Nigerian Construction Projects

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Impact of Inadequate Geotechnical Surveys on Nigerian Construction Projects


Inadequate geotechnical investigation has been identified as a critical factor contributing to the misdesign of structural elements, resulting in significant project cost overruns and subpar performance. This research aims to evaluate the repercussions of insufficient geotechnical investigation on the performance of construction projects. The study pursued several objectives: examining the varying levels of awareness regarding geotechnical investigation practices among clients, contractors, and consultants; pinpointing the root causes behind inadequate geotechnical investigation in construction endeavors; evaluating the influence of such inadequacies on construction project performance; and devising strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of deficient geotechnical investigation.

The research employed quantitative research methods, utilizing a meticulously designed questionnaire to gauge the perceptions of respondents on various aspects of geotechnical investigation. The survey was conducted with a sample size of 384, yielding 239 responses (a response rate of 62.2%). The sampling approach involved a random selection of professionals encompassing client organizations, contracting firms, and consulting firms. The professionals under study included Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Engineering Geologists, Project Managers, Builders, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, as well as experts in Surveying and Geo-informatics.

Data analysis encompassed a combination of descriptive analysis, rank ordering, and inferential statistics. Tools such as Microsoft Excel, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and Statgraphics XVII were employed for this purpose. The findings of the study revealed a heterogeneous landscape in geotechnical investigation practices among contracting firms, consulting firms, and client organizations in Nigeria. The study also identified key factors attributing to inadequate geotechnical investigation in both building and road projects, encompassing sampling techniques, equipment limitations, financial constraints, lack of geotechnical expertise, supervision shortcomings, presentation of results, and client awareness.

The ramifications of inadequate geotechnical investigation were observed to manifest as cost overruns, schedule delays, and compromised project performance. For building projects, the regression model derived from the study is represented as “Y = -.250 + .089X1 – .038X2 + .387X5 + .582X6,” while for road projects, it is “Y = 1.533 – .055X2 + .106X3 + .486X5 + .139X6.” Importantly, the study rejected the null hypotheses and supported the alternate hypotheses, affirming significant relationships between geotechnical investigation-related defects and project cost overruns, schedule delays, and overall project performance.

In light of the study’s findings, several recommendations are put forth, including the need for meticulous sample management, strict adherence to results derived from geotechnical investigations, and the deployment of skilled personnel for conducting such investigations. These measures collectively strive to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and efficacy of geotechnical investigations in construction projects, ultimately fostering improved project outcomes.

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